Sioux Falls
Rebuilt and Repaired Axles in Sioux Falls
Owners of vehicles in Sioux Falls can come to us if their axle needs to be rebuilt or repaired. Additionally to repairing and rebuilding axles, we sell our repaired and rebuilt axles. Axles are straightened by our experts on the lathe. The result is a restored axle that meets factory specifications. All axle repairs and rebuilds are performed to the highest standard. Vehicle axles can be sent from anywhere in the nation. With our door-to-door courier service, we can pick up and deliver axles at your home or at any other location in Sioux Falls.
Timken seals and bearings are used for axle rebuilds and repairs. Timken produces bearings and seals to the highest tolerances, which has made the company an industry standard. Additionally, our axles are covered under our warranty. Both of these factors mean you can rely on our axle repairs and rebuilds. Likewise, axles and differentials can both be modified for any need. Whether you need an axle narrowed for your hot rod or a differential modified for off-road use, we’ve got you covered.
How does our Rebuilt and Repaired Axle process work?
Axle repairs or rebuilds depend on how badly the axle has been damaged. Generally, repairing an axle is a good option for lightly damaged axles, as it is cheaper than rebuilding an axle. The more severely damaged an axle may be, the better the option is to rebuild it. It is more expensive to rebuild an axle because more steps are involved and more parts are replaced.
Steps in both processes are similar. We start by removing and cleaning the axle components. This includes the bearing set, ring gear, axle shafts, and rotors. Rings and pinions are left in the axle during repairs, and they are replaced by a high-quality OEM replacement in a rebuild. Axles are then put on our lathe to be restored to their original specifications. The bearings will then be inspected after the axle has been cleaned. Our in-house spindle ends will then be used to replace any damaged spindle ends. Lastly, the axle is assembled, painted, and filled with fluid. Once that is complete, it can be shipped back to you.
There are a few things that are different when rebuilding an axle. We replaced all of the bearings with high-quality Timken ones. Additionally, any seals on the carriers and axle shafts are replaced with Timken seals. The axle shafts will also be replaced with refurbished ones that have been thoroughly inspected and restored to factory standards. Should the need arise, a new axle shaft may be used. In the event that any of the rotors on the rear end are bolted on behind the hub, they will be rotated or replaced. By doing so, brake pads can be applied properly.
Is it time to get your axles checked?
Damage to an axle can be caused by a variety of factors. An example of this would be carrying a heavy load over a bumpy road, or hitting a curb or even getting into a minor accident. Many things can damage an axle. You can also observe several warning signs that may indicate that you need an axle repair. The following could indicate a problem with your axles:
- Vibrations – You may be able to feel axle damage through your steering wheel. The steering wheel starts to vibrate immediately if your axle has been damaged. Vibrations intensify as you turn the wheel.
- Loud Noises – A bent axle causes the gears to come out of alignment. While the axle is rotating, the gears grinding or hitting cause a noticeable sound.
- Leaking Fluids – Damage to an axle can often damage the axle housing. Cracks and bends can cause leaks. A leaky axle may not have enough lubrication to run properly.
Are axles shipped and received from Sioux Falls?
Certainly! Is your axle in need of repair? All axles can be picked up and delivered by our courier service within the United States. The couriers will deliver packages door-to-door all throughout the city of Sioux Falls. We can pick up an axle from your home or deliver it to your mechanic. These highly recommended Sioux Falls auto repair services are worth checking out if you are in need of a mechanic:
1) Chris’s Auto Repair started as a single-man shop and has since grown in size. They can do differentials and axles, electrical, brakes, batteries, coolant and more. Their shop opens from Monday to Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.
2) My Mechanic Auto Care started in 2011 and have over 30 years of experience performing automotive repairs. They open Monday to Friday, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm.
Chris's Auto Repair
40 reviews - See More
My Mechanic Auto Care
12 reviews - See More
Chris’s Auto Repair, 1901 S Minnesota Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57105
My Mechanic Auto Care, 4025 S Western Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57105